

By On July 16th, 2009

Second Generation Antipsychotic Drugs May Lower Mortality in Schizophrenia

There has been little research conducted about the effects of second generation antipsychotic drugs on mortality rate among schizophrenia patients. However, they (antipsychotic drugs) have always been widely believed to lessen mortality among this population. Findings from a study published online recently in the Lancet assert that patients with schizophrenia taking second generation antipsychotic drugs will actually live longer than patients that do not use antipsychotic medications. In particular clozapine (Clozaril), which has long been laden with medical community concerns over its safety, is associated with a greatly reduced mortality rate in schizophrenia patients and more so than any other antipsychotic drug. According to Jari Tiihonen, MD, of the University of Kuopio in Kuopio, Finland, and colleagues, “Restrictions on the use of clozapine should be reassessed.” Click here to read an article from Medpage Today that discusses this study more.

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